[Mich VHF UHF Society] Write our section manager Dave WA8EFK

Chuck MacCluer maccluer13 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 15:54:00 CDT 2022

Here is my letter to Dave:


*Just when the rain scatter activity is exploding on 10 GHz, the wolves
move in. All we need is 1 MHz from 10.386 GHz up. It seems there is more
weak-signal excitement on 10 GHz than all the other VHF, UHF, SHF bands
combined. And now this. *

* Should we panic?*

*Chuck w8mqw*

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*Subject:* FCC PETITION FOR RULEMAKING - Amendment to enable greater
Commercial Use of the 10.0-10.5 GHz Band - Oct 04, 2002


Folks.  I picked up this important 10 GHz note off the NEWSVHF Group
reflector, started by Tom Frenaye K1KI, and amplified by Tom WA1MBA.  As
Tom says below, “We have some work to do.”    Thanks to Tom and to Tom for
alerting us.

Dave K1RZ  FM19jh


 Thanks for sharing this.

We have to take some action.

Note that in this petition for ruling there is an intended set-aside of

5 MHz around 10,368 where supposedly there would be no operation of
commercial gear. However, read it carefully.

1) There is an assumption that Amateur operation is predetermined and at
specific locations, whereas much 10 GHz Amateur operation is sporadic and
at unpredictable locations.

2) Furthermore, there is no limit on spurious emissions of the commercial
gear which could interfere with those "protected"

frequencies, and

3) furthermore, amateur stations often leak LO frequency signals, which
fall inside the 10 to 10.5 allocation but will possibly cause interference
with this proposed commercial point-to-point use.

4)  Also, because there is possibly 120 MHz channels, the avoidance of a

5 MHz channel could be ignored when using 120 MHz channels, thereby causing
direct interference.

We have work to do.


On 10/26/2022 11:58 AM, Tom Frenaye wrote:


73 Tom/K1KI
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