[Mich VHF UHF Society] KF8QL/B 10 GHz into EN70 VIA Tropo

Gedas w8bya at mchsi.com
Sun Jul 24 11:57:57 CDT 2022

Hi David, oh my gosh please do not take it down. Beacons serve so many 
functions. So many of the uW community build up their own transverters 
or antennas or LNA's and need a signal source to test out their setup.

Plus, like in my case, because I am a home station with the dish that is 
tower mounted your beacon allows me to fine tune my rotator. That is SO, 
SO important esp when our dish antennas have a beam width of only a 
couple of degrees. I now have my rotor fine-tuned and when I sked with 
someone far away & I need my dish pointing at some azimuth I am 100% 
confident I am pointing the right way. If I were off 5 degrees I would 
never know he even existed ! TU for keeping it up. Lots more people use 
it than unfortunately acknowledge. I enjoy letting beacon owners know 
what fine signals their setups have. TU again !  73

Gedas, W8BYA EN70JT

Gallery at http://w8bya.com
Light travels faster than sound....
This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

On 7/24/2022 12:42 PM, Dave DeVos via MiVUS wrote:
> Thank you so much for this note, and your audio file! It’s so much fun 
> to hear that the beacon is getting out, and that people are hearing 
> it. Sometimes I think about taking those down because I rarely get 
> signal reports on the higher bands. But you have made me feel like 
> leaving them up. Thank you again.
> 73,
> David DeVos
> Cell 616-278-8068
>> On Jul 24, 2022, at 9:26 AM, Gedas <w8bya at mchsi.com> wrote:
>> The other night/early morning around 1 AM I noticed a decent red blob 
>> on APRS so I turned the 10 GHz dish towards the KF8QL/B. It blew me 
>> out of my chair. Signal was peaking S9+10 dB (on an honest, accurate 
>> s-meter). DX is about 240 km (149 miles). Enclosed is a brief WAV 
>> file. 73
>> Gedas, W8BYA EN70JT
>> Gallery athttp://w8bya.com
>> Light travels faster than sound....
>> This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
>> <KF8QL-Tropo-1-7-23-2022 1 14 50 AM.wav>
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