[Mich VHF UHF Society] Fwd: ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by April 14, 2022

Mark Korroch wb8tgy at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 20 09:06:56 CST 2022

Maybe it can be moved to 3400 MHz as that seems to be where people are moving to.
73,Mark  WB8TGY 

    On Thursday, January 20, 2022, 10:03:00 AM EST, David DeVos via MiVUS <mivus at mivus.org> wrote:  
 Goodbye 3.4Ghz transverter!

David J DeVos - KF8QL616-278-8068

Begin forwarded message:

From: ARRL Web site <memberlist at arrl.org>
Date: January 19, 2022 at 4:14:22 PM EST
To: kf8ql at yahoo.com
Subject: ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by April 14, 2022

ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by
April 14, 2022

QST de W1AW  
ARRL Bulletin 5  ARLB005
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  January 19, 2022
To all radio amateurs 

ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by
April 14, 2022

The FCC has established April 14, 2022, as the date by which amateur
radio transmissions must stop in the upper 3.45 - 3.5 GHz segment of
the amateur secondary 9-centimeter band. Secondary operations are
permitted to continue indefinitely in the remainder of the band, 3.3
- 3.45 GHz, pending future FCC proceedings.

On January 14 the FCC released DA 22-39, which announces the results
of Auction 110 for the 3.45 - 3.55 GHz band. Release of this notice
triggered FCC rules adopted last year requiring that amateur radio
operations between 3.45 GHz and 3.5 GHz cease within 90 days of the
public notice.

DA 22-39 can be found online at,

In October 2021, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, urged Congress
to direct the FCC to preserve Amateur Radio's secondary use of the 3
GHz band in a written statement responding to H.R. 5378, the
Spectrum Innovation Act of 2021, before the US House Commerce
Communications and Technology Subcommittee.

A chronology of actions responding to amateur access on the 3.5 GHz
band can be found on the ARRL website at,
http://www.arrl.org/3-ghz-band .

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