[Mich VHF UHF Society] Fwd: ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by April 14, 2022

David DeVos kf8ql at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 20 09:02:48 CST 2022

Goodbye 3.4Ghz transverter!

David J DeVos - KF8QL

Begin forwarded message:

> From: ARRL Web site <memberlist at arrl.org>
> Date: January 19, 2022 at 4:14:22 PM EST
> To: kf8ql at yahoo.com
> Subject: ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by April 14, 2022
> ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by
> April 14, 2022
> QST de W1AW  
> ARRL Bulletin 5  ARLB005
> From ARRL Headquarters  
> Newington CT  January 19, 2022
> To all radio amateurs 
> ARLB005 Amateur Operation in 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by
> April 14, 2022
> The FCC has established April 14, 2022, as the date by which amateur
> radio transmissions must stop in the upper 3.45 - 3.5 GHz segment of
> the amateur secondary 9-centimeter band. Secondary operations are
> permitted to continue indefinitely in the remainder of the band, 3.3
> - 3.45 GHz, pending future FCC proceedings.
> On January 14 the FCC released DA 22-39, which announces the results
> of Auction 110 for the 3.45 - 3.55 GHz band. Release of this notice
> triggered FCC rules adopted last year requiring that amateur radio
> operations between 3.45 GHz and 3.5 GHz cease within 90 days of the
> public notice.
> DA 22-39 can be found online at,
> https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-announces-winning-bidders-345-ghz-service-auction/attachment-a
> .
> In October 2021, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, urged Congress
> to direct the FCC to preserve Amateur Radio's secondary use of the 3
> GHz band in a written statement responding to H.R. 5378, the
> Spectrum Innovation Act of 2021, before the US House Commerce
> Communications and Technology Subcommittee.
> A chronology of actions responding to amateur access on the 3.5 GHz
> band can be found on the ARRL website at,
> http://www.arrl.org/3-ghz-band .
> /EX
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