[Mich VHF UHF Society] 10 GHz Beacon

Chuck MacCluer maccluer13 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 15:20:13 CST 2022


The Downeast 3-watter is nominally drivable by 10 dBm, which I think I have
from the VHFdesign board.
Will see.

P.S. Is anybody interested in hosting my (built) (30-W) 1296 beacon? My
location is hopeless for it.

My quite effective 144.288 beacon is shut down until tropo season returns.

Chuck w8mqw

On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 3:58 PM David DeVos via MiVUS <mivus at mivus.org>

> Hi Chuck,
> Fellow MSU grad here, and alumni of the MSU radio club in 1977!  A better
> spot would be at Mark's house WB8TGY which is at a higher altitude!
> Dave DeVos - KF8QL EN72ew
> 616-278-8068 - mobile
> On Monday, January 10, 2022, 03:49:22 PM EST, Chuck MacCluer <
> maccluer13 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Gedas:
> I now have all the components for a 3-watt beacon (slot, amp, exciter) but
> have not boxed it up. I'm trying to think of a location.
> Here on the farm is a nonstarter since I'm hopelessly treed in. Maybe I
> can talk the Mich State Univ AR Club into putting it on the roof of the
> engineering building. They mounted a 1296 beacon of mine there for years.
> There is also a nearby ham with an ideal location on a hill overlooking
> open farmland to the south. Beautiful clear shot.
> I'll keep you informed.
> Chuck w8mqw
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 2:54 PM Gedas <w8bya at mchsi.com> wrote:
> Hi Dave. I am so sorry to hear about the beacons being down. But I like
> that you have plans to get them operational again. Beacons are so, so
> important as you know, esp on the higher frequencies. This latest batch of
> post on the Midwest group has made me decide to design up a
> monitoring/recording station starting on 10 GHz. Your beacon and Jim's
> (N8CEI) are the only two possibilities for me. Unfortunately Jim's beacon
> is down as well and he is not eager to climb the 125' tower during the
> winter. I was going to park the dish aimed at your beacon and start
> recording long term FS levels. I think it would be fascinating to see the
> effects local WX has on the received beacon levels.
> I continue to work on my beacon effort and I hope to have one up and
> running on ".350" by late spring. I just need to find an intermediate
> amplifier to take me from ~8 dBm up to 15 dBm to drive this very old 2W
> DEMI that I have.
> Thank you again for all you do and for all your help......stay safe es 73
> Gedas, W8BYA EN70JT
> Gallery at http://w8bya.com
> Light travels faster than sound....
> This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
> On 1/10/2022 2:23 PM, David DeVos via MiVUS wrote:
> Hello Gedas and Happy New Year!
> Unfortunately, it went down in December, and I have to climb a tower to
> fix it.  So that's not going to happen until this coming Spring.  All (4)
> bands at that location (1.2, 2.3, 5.7, and 10) are on the same power
> supply, and automated keyer and they are all down.  So that narrows down
> the problem a bit.
> I have moved to a new QTH that is more urban, so all my microwave
> adventures are going to be done while roving.  I remain committed to being
> active, but there is very little VHF/UHF/Microwave activity on the West
> side of Michigan to speak of other than K2YAZ up in Glen Arbor.
> 73 and stay active - you are an inspiration!
> Dave DeVos - KF8QL
> 616-278-8068 - mobile
> On Monday, January 10, 2022, 12:01:27 PM EST, Gedas <w8bya at mchsi.com>
> <w8bya at mchsi.com> wrote:
> Hi Dave. Can you please tell me if the Grand rapids 10 GHz beacon is still
> operating and if so what is it's current freq? Since the Cinci beacon died
> the only other beacon I might be able to hear under some enhancement is
> Grand Rapids. I want to do some long term signal plotting of it. TU es 73
> --
> Gedas, W8BYA EN70JT
> Gallery at http://w8bya.com
> Light travels faster than sound....
> This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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