[Mich VHF UHF Society] New guy in EN82

Tom k8tb at bosscher.org
Mon Nov 29 21:29:11 CST 2021


"Welcome back?" Anything to bring up activity on the bands. This email 
list has helped to bring the weak signal folks together to a point. My 
band is 6, and we have a few folks really really close to the FFMA. W7JW 
is only 5 grids away ! And there seems to be a level of 10 GHz activity 
also. Had a look at your shack on QRZ, and, like, impressive !

Jim, K8JH and Mike, KB8KB and myself have put several Michigan grids on 
the air, with Jim's ham van. Last year we brought EN67 way down on the 
most wanted list. We up on Brockway Mountain for 5 days. Next summer we 
will be at EN86 for 5 days, the 4th time we will be there.

Thank you for stopping in.

Tom K8TN EN72bv, 15 miles SW of Grand Rapids.

On 11/29/2021 9:43 PM, k8bb at comcast.net wrote:
> Hi gang, new guy here on V/U. I recently put up a modest 144/222/432/1296 Yagi stack, with bricks for each band (1296 still on order), and an old Yaesu FT-736R transceiver. Hoping to be active for weekend contest and the like, and to chase grids, etc.
> I've been off the air for a while, but did some V/U multi-op contesting from K8CC's station (with K8CC and K9TM) in the mid-2000s.
> Hoping to learn the propagation and weather anomalies as time and experience will allow...
> 73!
> Don/K8BB
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