From wb9qzb_groups at Wed May 22 12:21:44 2024 From: wb9qzb_groups at (Mark Thompson) Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 17:21:44 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [Mich VHF UHF Society] Central States VHF Society Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA, 7/25 - 28 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> | | ? Central States VHF Society 2024 Conference? Cedar Rapids, IA July 25-28, 2024 | Central States is still seeking papers for the Proceedings.??Deadline is May 30, 2024. Please see?For Authors of Proceedings Articles?for details. Central States VHF Society Conference 2024 | | | | | | | | | | | CSVHFS 2024 Conference Cedar Rapids Administrator 56th Annual Central States VHF Society Conference Site | | | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wb9qzb_groups at Wed May 29 18:25:27 2024 From: wb9qzb_groups at (Mark Thompson) Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 23:25:27 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [Mich VHF UHF Society] ARRL June VHF Context, 1800 UTC Saturday, 6/8 - 0259 UTC Monday, 6/10 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> ARRL June VHF Contest About Contest Objective:?For amateurs in the US and Canada (and their possessions) to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degrees x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz. Stations outside the US & Canada (and their possessions) may only work stations in the US (and its possessions) and Canada. Dates:?The second full weekend in June.?(June 8-10, 2024) Contest Period:?Begins 1800 UTC Saturday, ends 0259 UTC Monday. ? ? Rule Changes for 2024:?Participants in the FM Only category can now count contacts made on 902 MHz and 1.2 GHz toward their scores. Previously, only contacts on the four lowest VHF bands (50, 144, 222 and 432 MHz) counted toward participants' scores in this category. Click Here for Complete ARRL?June VHF Contest Rules (PDF) For contest information contact?contests at (860) 594-0232 All legal modes are permitted. For Cabrillo file mode definitions, Digital modes should be represented as "DG" (for all things digital), SSB Phone as "PH", FM voice as "FM", and CW as "CW". Stations in KH0-9, KL7 & KP1-KP5, CY9 and CY0 count as W/VE stations and can be worked by DX stations for contest credit. Log Submission Deadline Logs are due within TEN (10) days after the event is over. Logs may be submitted either online or via mail, but electronic Cabrillo logs are the preferred method. Electronic logs must be submitted via our web app at? Logs that have been?submitted electronically?are listed on the?Logs Received?page. Click the contest name to see a list of submitted logs sorted by call sign and club name. Online Log Submission?-?Cabrillo formatted logs must be uploaded via our web app at? Submitting Paper Logs By Mail?- Be sure to mail your completed Summary Sheet and Log Sheets postmarked before the log submission deadlines. Paper Entry Forms: June VHF Summary Sheet? (updated for 2022) VHF/UHF Log Sheet Send completed Summary Sheets and logs to: ARRL - January VHF Contest, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111 If submitting a paper log, it is strongly suggested you use a delivery method that offers a tracking number. If you wish to convert your log into a Cabrillo formatted log for electronic submission, visit? select the event of interest. You can input your log data which will be converted to a Cabrillo formatted log for you (it will generate a log and return it to you), and then you can in turn submit your Cabrillo log online via the web app at? Awards: Downloadable Certificates will be awarded in the following categories at? Single Operator: - Top Single Operator in each ARRL/RAC Section for high and low power. - Top Single Operator on each band (50, 144, 222, 432, 902, 1296 and 2304-and-up categories) in each ARRL/RAC Section where significant effort or competition is evident. (Note: Since the highest score per band will be the award winner for that band, an entrant may win a certificate with additional single-band endorsements.) For example, if KA1RWY has the highest single-operator all-band score in the CT Section and her 50- and 222-MHz scores are higher than any other CT single operator?s, she will earn a certificate for being the single-operator Section leader and endorsements for 50 and 222 MHz.? - Top Single Operator Portable in each ARRL/RAC Section where significant effort or competition is evident. (Single Operator Portable entries are not eligible for single-band awards.) - Top Single Operator, 3-Band in each ARRL/RAC?Section where significant effort or competition is evident.(Single Operator, 3-Band entries are not eligible for single-band awards.) - Top Single Operator, FM Only in each ARRL/RAC?Section where significant effort or competition is evident. (Single Operator, FM Only entries are not eligible for single-band awards.) Rover: - Top Rover, Limited Rover and Unlimited Rover in each ARRL Division and Canada where significant effort or competition is evident. (Rover entries are not eligible for single-band awards.) Multioperator: - Top Multioperator score in each ARRL/RAC Section where significant effort or competition is evident. (Multioperator entries are not eligible for single-band awards.) - Top Limited Multioperator in each ARRL/RAC Section where significant effort or competition is evident. (Limited Multioperator entries are not eligible for single-band awards.) DX: - Top DX stations where significant effort or competition is evident. Club Competition: There are ten ARRL-sponsored contests that are designated as Affiliated Club Competitions (ACC) for ARRL and RAC affiliated clubs: - RTTY Roundup - January VHF Contest - International DX Contest - International Digital Contest - June VHF Contest - 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest - September VHF Contest - November Sweepstakes - 160-Meter Contest - 10-Meter Contest For full club competition rules, please see the link below: ARRL?Affiliated Club Competition Rules Additional Information - Cabrillo Templates for the New SO3B and SOFM Categories- The June VHF?Contest now includes two new categories: Single Operator, 3 Band and Single Operator, FM?Only. Here are examples of Cabrillo log headers to enter the new categories. If you are going to copy/paste these templates into your own Cabrillo log, please be sure to substitute your own station info! ? Single Operator, 3-Band: START-OF-LOG: 3.0 CONTEST: ARRL-VHF-JUN CALLSIGN: W1AW LOCATION: CT OPERATORS: W1AW CATEGORY-ASSISTED: NON-ASSISTED CATEGORY-BAND: VHF-3-BAND CATEGORY-MODE: MIXED CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP CATEGORY-POWER: LOW CATEGORY-STATION: FIXED CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER: ONE CLAIMED-SCORE: CLUB: SOAPBOX: SOAPBOX: NAME: W1AW ADDRESS: 225 Main St ADDRESS: Newington, CT 06111 QSO:???? 50 PH 2013-06-08 1900 W1AW???????? FN31 WD5USA?????? EM04 QSO:?? 144 PH 2013-06-08 1922 W1AW???????? FN31 WD5USA?????? EM04 QSO:?? 432 PH 2013-06-08 1924 W1AW???????? FN31 WD5USA?????? EM04 QSO:?? 144 PH 2013-06-08 2220 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R????? ? ? EM14 QSO:?? 144 PH 2013-06-08 0043 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R????? ? ? EM04 QSO:?? 432 PH 2013-06-08 0043 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R????? ? ? EM04 QSO:???? 50 PH 2013-06-08 0359 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R????????? EM04 END-OF-LOG: ? Single Operator, FM Only: START-OF-LOG: 3.0 CONTEST: ARRL-VHF-JUN CALLSIGN: W1AW LOCATION: CT OPERATORS: W1AW CATEGORY-ASSISTED: NON-ASSISTED CATEGORY-BAND: VHF-FM-ONLY CATEGORY-MODE: FM CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP CATEGORY-POWER: LOW CATEGORY-STATION: FIXED CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER: ONE CLAIMED-SCORE: CLUB: SOAPBOX: SOAPBOX: NAME: W1AW ADDRESS: 225 Main St ADDRESS: Newington, CT 06111 QSO:???? 50 FM 2013-06-08 1900 W1AW???????? FN31 WD5USA?????? EM04 QSO:?? 144 FM 2013-06-08 1922 W1AW???????? FN31 WD5USA?????? EM04 QSO:?? 432 FM 2013-06-08 1924 W1AW???????? FN31 WD5USA?????? EM04 QSO:?? 144 FM 2013-06-08 2220 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R????????? EM14 QSO:?? 144 FM 2013-06-08 0043 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R????????? EM04 QSO:?? 432 FM 2013-06-08 0043 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R????? ? ? EM04 QSO:???? 50 FM 2013-06-08 0359 W1AW???????? FN31 AF5Q/R???? ? ?? EM04 END-OF-LOG: Full Contest Rules Click Here for Complete ARRL?June VHF Contest Rules (PDF) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: