[Mich VHF UHF Society] Fwd: Eastern VHF/UHF/ Microwave Conference, 4/19 - 21, AGENDA

Mark Thompson wb9qzb_groups at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 7 04:29:03 CDT 2024

  ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Paul Wade W1GHZ <w1ghz.q at gmail.com>To: Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 01:45:47 PM CDTSubject: 47th Eastern VHF/UHF/ Microwave Conference SCHEDULE
 The schedule of presentations for the 47th Eastern VHF/UHF/ Microwave Conference is now available at: 
Conference Agenda
More details for Friday Workshop participants 
Deadline for Banquet reservations is April 10.
73Paul & Mark _._,_._,_

APRIL 19-21, 2024
Hilton Garden Inn  (860)-688-6400
555 Corporate Drive, Windsor, CT 06095
(I-91 exit 38 to Day Hill Rd.)


FRIDAY Afternoon 2 to 5 pm

Workshops – Learn by doing!

nanoVNA  (WA1JXR) – Hands on workshop on using this inexpensive but powerful pocket-sized instrument, from basics to advanced measurements. If you have one (any version), bring it along so you can follow and participate in the demonstrations.  ~2 hours

TinySA - Hands on workshop on using this inexpensive but powerful pocket-sized spectrum analyzer, from basics to advanced measurements. If you have one (any version), bring it along so you can follow and participate in the demonstrations. ~1 hour

Workshop Instructions 

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 for participants

Evening –

1800 to ? Social (BYOB due to hotel rules

1930 Indoor swap and sell & Vendors. 

(1900 setup)  Tables provided



815      WELCOME

830      W1AIM          New England Roving Sites & Pictures

850      KI2L   6 band rover controller

                        Audio Switching for SO5R

                        GPSDO PLL+

930      VE2UG           3D Printed Optical Transceiver Box

1000    BREAK

1015    WA1MBA      IMD in Transmitting Components

1100    W8ZN             Icom IC-905 Overview and Evaluation

1120    WA3NUF       Fall Sprints Update

1135    LUNCH at Jim’s Restaurant

1300    K6JEY            Comparison of Wattmeter Accuracies at 1296MHz

                        Data Logging with Modern Multimeters

1350    W1GHZ          Very Low Noise Unconditionally Stable LNA

1410    N1JEZ             Surface Mount Assembly with Toaster Oven

1430    VE3CZO        Universal Serial Bus Overview

1515    BREAK

1530    N2EME           SDR – Working the Entire Band

1615    W2EV             Lab: Exploring NLOS Polarization Anomolies

1635    W9JJ & N1SFE          Contest Update Forum

1730    END OF TALKS

1900    BANQUET


              ARRL CEO David Minster NA2AA

2050  Tom Kirby Award Presentation

2100  Door Prize Extravaganza



          0900  Tailgate Swap & Sell

at Vintage Radio & Communications Museum


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