[Mich VHF UHF Society] Microwave Update & Eastern VHF/UHF Conference, Windsor, CT (Hartford), April 13 - 16

Mark Thompson wb9qzb_groups at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 23 23:08:36 CDT 2023

 Microwave Update 2023 
plus 46th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference

Microware Update 2023

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Microwave Update 2023 Conference. April 14-15, 2023 in Windsor, CT



Hilton Garden Inn at Bradley AirportWindsor, Connecticut

Microwave Update 2023 and 46th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference Schedule

Preliminary Schedule
Revised 24 February 2023

Thursday, April 13

Morning - tour of ARRL Headquarters
Afternoon - tour of New England Air Museum
6 pm-10 pm Social in Windsor 3,4 BYOB

Friday, April 14

- see SPEAKERS below for detailed schedule

breakfast included with room -or- order at Hotel restaurant -or- on your own
8:15 am - Welcome and Start of Presentations
11:45 am - LUNCH - Carpool to Pizza Restaurant -or- on your own
1 pm - AUCTION
1:15 pm - Talks
5:15 pm - talks end

Dinner on your own -or- at Hotel Restaurant
7 pm-10 pm Swap in Windsor 1,2
8 pm VHF Contest Rules and VHF/UHF Advisory Committee Forum with K2UA
6 pm-10 pm Social in Windsor 3,4 BYOB

Testing Lab open 1 pm to 5 pm for frequencies above 10 GHz

Saturday, April 15

- see SPEAKERS below for detailed schedule

breakfast included with your room -or- order at Hotel restaurant -or- on your own

8:15am - Welcome and Start of Presentations
10 am - Auction Break
11:45 am - LUNCH - Carpool to Grinder Restaurant -or- on your own
1 pm - AUCTION
1:15 pm - Talks
3 pm - Auction Break
4 pm - talks end
6/7 pm to about 10PM---Banquet with Cash Bar

Testing Lab open 10 am to 5 pm for frequencies below 11 GHz

Banquet Program
- Tom Kirby Memorial Award
- The Don Hilliard Technical Achievement Award
- The Will Jensby mmW Award
- Worked All Bands Award

Banquet Speaker - Chip Cohen W1YW on RF Invisibility Cloak
Prize drawings

Sunday, April 16

breakfast included with your room -or- order at Hotel restaurant -or- on your own
Morning at the Vintage Radio Museum, Windsor, CT
9 am - tailgate swap meet.
- The museum will have reduced price admission.


Banquet Speaker will be Chip Cohen, W1YW 

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Microwave Update 2019

Microwave Update 2023 Conference. April 14-15, 2023, Windsor, CT



Microwave Update 2023 and 46th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference Speakers

| Name | Call | Title |
| Tony Long | KC6QHP | Building and Operating a 122GHz Station |
| Chris Patterson | W3CMP | 6 Meter Yagis |
| Paul Fredette | K1YBE | ARTEN - New England Mesh Networking |
| Chris Cox | N0UK | Urban Microwave DXing |
| Jack Carrozzo | N1AC | IQ Quadrature Conundrums |
| Phil Theis | K3TUF | Remote Microwave Operation |
| Doug Millar | K6JEY | Extending Frequency Range of Spectrum Analyzers |
| Brian Justin | WA1ZMS | 47 GHz Beacon |
| Paul Wade | W1GHZ | Cassegrain Antenna Design and Feedhorns |
| Rene Barbeau | VE2UG | Cassegrain Antennas for 47, 78, & 122 GHz |
| Wayne Getchell | VE3CZO | Minimalist Transverter Sequencer for FT817 |
| Tom Williams | WA1MBA | 47 GHz Quadrupler |
| Tom Williams | WA1MBA | MDS Measurement System |
| Skip Youngberg | K1NKR | VHF+ session at NE Convention |
| Kent Britain | WA5VJB | Care and Feeding of Yagi Antennas |
| Dave Olean | K1WHS | Dealing with RFI from TV stations |
| Paul Wade | W1GHZ | Sectoral Horn Antennas for Microwave Beacons |
| Bob Lear | W4ZST | Some Ideas for Microwave Contest Station |
| Dave Olean | K1WHS | 222 MHz Larcan Amplifier |
| Bart Jahnke | W9JJ | ARRL Contests Update Forum |
| Fred Caswell | K1UU | Building a VHF+ Station - with mistakes |
| Bob Sletten | KB1QV | Packing a Two Meter Bell |
| Dennis Sweeney | WA4LPR | INTRFIL: Design and Construction of Round Rod Interdigitated Filters |
| Neil Smith | G4DBN | 3D Printed Dielectric Lenses |
| Hisen Zhang | KB1QV | SDR Rover Kit, an 8 Band Radio |
| Rus Healy | K2UA | VHF Contest Rules and VHF/UHF Advisory Committee |

Friday Schedule of Presentations
Preliminary Schedule and Titles - 26 February

| Time | Call | Title |
| 0815 | WELCOME |
| 0830 | KB1QV | Packing a Two Meter Bell |
| 0845 | K1WHS | 222 MHz Larcan Amplifier |
| 0930 | W4ZST | Some Ideas for Microwave Contest Stations |
| 1000 | BREAK |
| 1015 | WA1MBA | 47 GHz Quadrupler |
| 1035 | WA1ZMS | 47 GHz Beacon |
| 1115 | W1GHZ | Sectoral Horn Antennas for Microwave Beacons |
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| 1145 | LUNCH |
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| 1300 | AUCTION |
| 1315 | N1AC | IQ Quadrature Conundrums |
| 1345 | VE3CZO | Minimalist Transverter Sequencer for FT817 |
| 1415 | WA4LPR | Interdigital Filters |
| 1430 | K3TUF | Remote Microwave Operation |
| 1500 | BREAK |
| 1515 | K6JEY | Extending Frequency Range of Spectrum Analyzers |
| 1545 | WA5VJB | Care and Feeding of Yagi Antennas |
| 1615 | N0UK | Urban Microwave DXing |
| 1630 | K1UU | Building a VHF+ Station - with mistakes |
| 1700 | KD2TAI | SDR Rover Kit, an 8 Band Radio |
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| 1715 | DINNER | On Your Own |
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| 1900 | SWAP MEET | Indoor |
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| 2000 | K2UA | VHF Contest Rules and VHF/UHF Advisory Committee |

Saturday Schedule of Presentations
Preliminary Schedule and Titles 26 February

| Time | Call | Title |
| 0815 | WELCOME |
| 0830 | K1YBE | ARTEN - New England Mesh Networking |
| 0900 | W3CMP | 6 Meter Yagis |
| 0920 | K1WHS | Dealing with RFI from TV stations |
| 1000 | BREAK |
| 1015 | W1GHZ | Cassegrain Antenna Design and Feedhorns |
| 1045 | VE2UG | Cassegrain Antennas for 47, 78, & 122 GHz |
| 1115 | G4DBN | Lens |
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| 1145 | LUNCH |
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| 1300 | AUCTION |
| 1315 | K1NKR | VHF+ session at NE Convention |
| 1330 | KC6QHP | Building and Operating a 122GHz Station |
| 1415 | WA1MBA | MDS Measurement System |
| 1500 | BREAK |
| 1515 | W9JJ | ARRL Contests Update Forum |
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| 1900 | BANQUET |
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| 2030 | W1YW | RF Invisibility Cloak |

Chip Cohen, W1YW, inventor and designer of Fractal Antennas,

is a principal of Fractal Antenna Systems as well as a serious DXer.

His professional and ham biographies may be found at these links.

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W1YW Callsign Page

W1YW personal biography



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