[Mich VHF UHF Society] Congratulations to Jeff, W7JW on 6 meter FFMA !

Barry Bowman 77bowman at charter.net
Mon Jun 12 15:23:35 CDT 2023

Hi Tom
I know I’ve recently seen this but can’t remember what the 488 is for. I think I saw something about it in QST magazine article. Anyways, congrats to Jeff. You can forward to him if you like. 73’s

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Tom
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 3:29 PM
To: mivus at mivus.org
Subject: [Mich VHF UHF Society] Congratulations to Jeff,W7JW on 6 meter FFMA !

Jeff would probably not desire to bring up here, but I will. Jeff got #'s 487 and 488 this past week. I believe Jeff is the first in Michigan to get all 488. 
Very well done Jeff, and thank you for being a leader in this chase!
        Tom K8TB
I'm happy to report that FFMA has been completed. I worked KN6UWK in DM02 on Saturday morning and AA5PR in DM53 Sunday morning. This morning all confirmed in LoTW and 3 QSLs checked locally all submitted to ARRL Sunday afternoon.

A BIG thanks to both operators for being QRV. Thanks also to Al, K8SIX for all of his work in getting KN6UWK operational on DM02. While Al crowdfunded the KPA500, he paid for it upfront before starting the request for donations. He also purchased at his expense a hard cover transport case for the KPA500 and a new 7 element LFA, all before the 6m E Season started. Al deserves recognition for his legwork, emails with Base commanders and suppliers.

Another BIG thanks goes to John, AA5PR who built a cool little self contained 6m remote trailer. I had emailed John several times over the past summers and he kept telling me, stand by, I have a plan.  I didn't know what he was up to until Saturday morning when he contacted me on Slack with his plan. So while roving on his own during the contest, several times he took the time to log into his remote and look for me. On Sunday morning he found me. His 100 watt, solar powered, moxon remote somewhere in DM53 exchanged pretty good reports on FT8 and the deal was done. FFMA from Michigan achieved.

Thanks to all the others, like AG6EE, KB7Q, AC0RA et al who go out across this great Country activating grids for the rest of us. Best of luck to all FFMA chasers this summer. I suspect another dozen FFMA will be issued in 2023.

Vy 73 Jeff W7JW
EN82fj Michigan  Jeff 

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