[Mich VHF UHF Society] Fwd: CSVHFS La Crosse 2022 On-line Registration still not open....but we are getting closer

Mark Thompson wb9qzb_groups at yahoo.com
Sun May 15 01:44:58 CDT 2022

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Richardson via All-members <all-members at csvhfs.org>
To: all-members at csvhfs.org
Sent: Sat, May 14, 2022 5:34 pm
Subject: [All-members] CSVHFS La Crosse 2022 on-line registration still not open....but we are getting closer

Hello CSVHFS Members,
The May 1st target for opening on-line event registration has come and gone.  I take full responsibility for the delay—I was the cause.  Recently, there has been a flurry of activity (behind the scenes).  Details and prices are being finalized.  As those details lock into place, then Charlie K5TTT will work those into our on-line registration utility.
One highlight for this year is a Thursday evening Riverboat Dinner Cruise!  Make sure you arrive early enough on Thursday, July 21, 2022 to join us onboard.  It will be a great way to socialize, enjoy a nice dinner, and observe La Crosse and the Mississippi River Valley.
I am eager to finalize the conference details because I want to share them with you.  When you see all the details, I hope you decide to attend!
The presentation schedule is nearly full.  We will try to get some of the presentation titles on to the website in coming weeks.
Thanks for your continued patience. I will contact you again as soon as on-line registration opens.
Looking forward to La Crosse July 21/22/23, 2022!

Bruce Richardson W9FZ
CSVHFS States Above 50 MHz Award program is (still) “ON” for the 2021 – 2022 Program year!!  Tonight’s 6m Sprint would be a good time to log some more band states.  Actually, the program year runs to 2359 UTC 31 May 2022.  Bruce Richardson W9FZ is the Program Administrator for this year.  Tabulate your past year of activity and start putting together your entries.  See the CSVHFS website.
I have recently updated the CSVHFS Life Member Directory as well as the States Above 50 MHz results throughout all of the program years.

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