[Mich VHF UHF Society] January VHF

k8bb at comcast.net k8bb at comcast.net
Tue Jan 11 09:54:38 CST 2022

Hi Patrick (et al),

"New guy" here, also endeavoring to be QRV: SOLP on 5 bands, 6m through 1296 (no 902) with "a Yagi and a brick " on each band. Just SSB/CW, no FT8 here, but will make an honest effort to be on both days (with some distraction on Saturday evening with NAQPCW). It's been probably 15 years since I've operated in a V/U contest, but I think I know what I'm doing. :)

50MHz - 4 elements ~45' with 200w
144 - 9 elements ~35' with ~150w
222 - 11 elements ~30' with ~100w
432 - 19 elements ~30' with ~100w
1296 - 35elements ~35' with ~50w

Any mobile rovers who want to try to QRB (run the bands) will find enthusiastic support from me, hopefully we can make some of those opportunities work. And I just saw a note on VHFContesting reflector that VE3OIL will be rovering around both days covering numerous grids, including a 4-corner stop on Sunday. too. Not sure if he'll be close enough and/or loud enough for us to work here, but I'll sure give it a try. Hopefully the January weather will be friendly for the intrepid souls who make those efforts!

EN82ip - Pontiac, MI

> On Jan 11, 2022, at 10:31 AM, Patrick Thomas <p-thomas at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Any plans for the contest this weekend?  Roving?
> With my van seemingly dead forever, I will probably just try my luck with 3-band low power again, from home with the IC-9100.
> Good luck with the contest and belated Happy 2022 to all. :-)
> Patrick
> KB8DGC - EN82hk
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