[Mich VHF UHF Society] Fwd: [CSVHF] Lodging Reservations now available for Central States VHF Society Conference in La Crosse, WI July 21-24, 2022

Mark Thompson wb9qzb_groups at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 16 13:34:32 CDT 2022

   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Bruce Richardson via All-members <all-members at csvhfs.org>To: "all-members at csvhfs.org" <all-members at csvhfs.org>Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 11:31:01 PM CSTSubject: [All-members] Lodging Reservations now available for Central States VHF Society Conference in La Crosse, WI July 21-24, 2022
Hello Central States VHF Society members,


The 2022 Conference is a “go”!  After being postponed for two years, the world has returned enough towards normal for the CSVHFS to restart our annual conferences.  I have heard from many of you about how much you are looking forward to attending the conference and socializing with your VHF/UHF Ham Radio friends.


We intend to have all the things you’ve come to expect at a CSVHFS Conference:  technical presentations, dealer room, Friday night “trade-fest”, antenna range, noise figure workshop, Rover Row/Dishbowl, Hospitality Suite (3 nights), family program, and closing banquet complete with prize table.  Additionally, we will have VHF 101/Microwaves 101 presentations available.


One thing I’d like to specifically encourage is for Fred Fish activators and chasers, from across the country, to attend THIS conference.  Many of the chasers and activators are familiar friends on Slack channels. Attend the CSVHFS conference and have the eye-ball QSOs that make the world smaller and even friendlier!  


The first thing you need to do is to plan to attend!  Next, you should visit the conference website at: https://2022.csvhfs.org .  On this first visit to the website, you should focus on the Lodging Tab in the top menu.  At the bottom of the Lodging page, below all the lodging details, is a big red hotlink to take you to online room reservations.


In the coming weeks, the rest of the website will fill with more program details.  We expect to have on-line event registration starting in early May, 2022.  That is when you’ll make your event and meal choices.  


Please spread the news and encourage others from your area to attend!  It takes people to make a party—let’s have a big event with much socializing!


We will add many tourism ideas to the website (soon). You may want to extend your trip to La Crosse and enjoy the area before and after the conference.  The room rate we have negotiated for the conference is available from July 19th through July 26th.   


Your conference host team will send out periodic updates.  Throughout the coming weeks, if you have specific conference questions or concerns, contact registration at csvhfs.org and multiple people on the host team will see your message.


Forward to the conference!


Bruce Richardson W9FZ

2022 President CSVHF Society


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