[Mich VHF UHF Society] Tuesday 222 activity night?

k8bb at comcast.net k8bb at comcast.net
Tue Dec 28 17:12:12 CST 2021

Hi gang, new guy here again... :)

I've been seeing some chatter on the VHFcontesting email reflector about Tuesday 222MHz activity nights, usually in the evening evening around 7pm to 9pm. It seems like there's some New England and East Coast participation, but wondered if it's a thing at all her where we are? Do they every listen west for us? Or is it just a non-thing here in Michigan?

I've got a rig and a brick and a Yagi, figured I'd listen around a bit, but haven't heard any activity the past few Tuesdays here.

Thanks for any thoughts...

P.S. I got my 6m antenna rotational now, and 50w amplifier for 1296 has arrived, so I'm basically QRV from 50MHz up through 1296MHz (no 902) at this time with a Yagi and a brick on every band. No FT8, just old-fashioned CW and SSB.

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